VN5016AJTR-E ST The VN5016AJ-E is a monolithic device made using STMicroelectronics VIPower M0-5 technology. It is intended for driving resistive or inductive loads with one side connected to ground. Active VCC pin voltage clamp protects the device against low energy spikes (see ISO7637 transient compatibility table). This device integrates an analog current sense which delivers a current proportional to the load current (according to a known ratio) when CS_DIS is driven low or left open. When CS_DIS is driven high, the CURRENT SENSE pin is in a high impedance condition. Output current limitation protects the device in overload condition. In case of long overload duration, the device limits the dissipated power to safe level up to thermal shut-down intervention. Thermal shut-down with automatic restart allows the device to recover normal operation as soon as fault condition disappears.
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